Drivers at work policy

16 Feb

Drivers at work policy



RJC Low Loaders Ltd has a moral duty to protect employees engaged in driving duties, but also has a duty of care for other road users and members of the public who could be at risk by work related activities, under the Health & Safety at Work Act and various UK Road Traffic Acts.

The provision and use of road vehicles is absolutely necessary for the survival and success of the company’s business. These vehicles are ‘tools of the trade’ and must be managed, maintained, and used so that the company complies with all health and safety laws. These laws apply to ‘on the road’ work activities as much as they do to all other work activities.

Serious or fatal consequences can be caused to members of the public, the employee or the company due to human error or misuse of a company vehicle.

The results of improper or careless vehicle use include increased costs and inefficiency, imprisonment or serious or fatal injury. By carefully managing the vehicles and the users of them, it is possible to increase safety, avoid injury or fatality, increase efficiency and also profitability.

Driving fatigue and tiredness

Many road traffic accidents are caused by tiredness. Avoid driving directly after a heavy meal or particularly strenuous work and stop in a safe place for regular breaks before fatigue sets in.

Fitness and health

You must inform the company of any health conditions that may affect your ability to drive safely.

Driving whilst under the influence of drugs or alcohol is strictly prohibited and subject to disciplinary action, including possible termination of employment. Before driving, seek medical advice if in doubt as to the effect of any prescribed medication that you are taking.

If glasses or other corrective devices are necessary for driving, these must be worn.

Driving position

Ensure the vehicle seat height, lumbar and head restraint, etc, are correctly adjusted, along with the steering wheel and mirrors so that you are in a comfortable position whilst driving. Posture is important in avoiding injuries such as back and neck strains.

In adverse weather conditions, such as fog or icy roads, it is recommended that you either delay your journey or cancel the travelling.

Safety belts must be worn at all times.

You should be fully conversant with the Highway Code; a copy is available from the office. Attention must be paid regularly, preferably weekly, to check oil, lights, tyre condition and tyre pressures, steering, brakes, windscreen washers and wipers, and the condition of the vehicle generally. Always ensure your load is secure before leaving site.

Always ensure there is sufficient parking space when entering site.
Neither you nor anyone driving the company vehicle is permitted to give lifts to strangers.

Driving safety and security

Drive within legal speed limits and always follow Highway Code guidance. Remember, you are representing the company whilst driving at work. Show consideration and avoid the temptation to respond aggressively towards discourteous road users, to minimise possible ‘road rage’.

Do not eat or drink whilst driving and use ‘voicemail’ or ‘divert’ to avoid the use of mobile telephones, as use with hands-free devices still increases risk. Avoid other distractions such as loud music or smoking.

Expect to encounter different road users and be aware of other drivers, vehicles, and in particular vulnerable road users such as pedestrian cyclists and motorcyclists.

Be patient when driving, concentrate and give others time and rooms particularly vulnerable road users (more information is detailed in our Vulnerable Road Users Policy).

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